Buccal Dental Studio
Buccal is a brand created for our friend, Dr. Karol Carrillo. The clinic offers plenty dental services, their identity had to be the same image they project to their clients. Therefore we created this brand you can see below.
Karol Carrillo
The brand
We focus in soft-rounded shapes and colors, according to the dental health area, with this we wanted to create a clean and delicate brand identity; counteracting the image that people usually have about dental clinics, since Buccal focuses on "Pain free" techniques.
Brands that do well
We reflect the diversity of their services with the variation of colors that we chose for Buccal, their innovative techniques gave us the opportunity to create the versatility that this brand has.
Pain free
Our goal with Buccal was to create a strong brand identity, that resonates with their customers and helps them to recognize them as their go-to source for dental care.