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We created this cool brand for our dear friend Dr. Daniel Mafla, sadly he opted for a more conservative approach to his brand, however we really liked it and wanted to show it to him. Here it is, ODM.


Branding, Social Networks


Daniel Mafla




The brand

ODM is the acronym for Daniel Mafla Orthodontics, and we believe that the combination of these initials is the perfect answer for your brand, in addition to the elements that make us a clear reference to orthodontic appliances that will transform your smile as you cannot imagine. 

ODM phone.png

Brands that do well

We have a long history working for brands in the field of health, and we like to know that we contribute to the well-being of people. ODM makes us proud and we love to see how it grows every day as a brand.


We get smiles

We are sure that the people who see what we achieve for ODM, feel a series of positive sensations such as trust, exclusivity and efficiency, characteristics of the service that our friend Daniel delivers every day.

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